Deep Thought Foto % Immagini| kids, people Foto su fotocommunity
Deep Thought Foto & Immagine di Chris Bruhn ᐅ Vedi e commenta gratuitamente la foto su fotocommunity. Scopri gratuitamente altre immagini.
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Sophia Hernandez 06/02/2009 17:56
The back light illuminates her very well. And the emotion was captured as well. Nice!silvestersilv 29/12/2008 17:43
back ligth seems a little too shiny, but the composition is very nice.gruß, rainer
archiek 29/12/2008 5:43
Back light on this is ok with me. Like the attitude you have captured. -archieBruce Burrows 28/12/2008 19:26
Welcome to fotocommunity . Nice start here ... back light haswashed out the color a bit but I like the composition .