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Botond David 18/03/2008 20:48
wow, what a picture- congratulation!regards
Jeff Burgess 31/12/2007 2:32
This image tempts the senses with color, movement, positioning, and depth of field. Nice job.Klausius 29/12/2007 22:30
compliment !ciao
Comy 29/12/2007 8:42
+++Severin Sadjina 28/12/2007 23:25
A great composition. The tree on the right is a little irritating. Excellent editingGabriela Sauciuc 28/12/2007 19:46
great colors!great composition!
duolith 28/12/2007 18:39
-great composition: tranquility in chaos-to much of a frame, for my taste
Balazs Prattinger 28/12/2007 15:05
Great work!Dragomir Vukovic 28/12/2007 11:21
excellentSarah D. Kiefer 28/12/2007 6:06