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Do you come back soon, honey???

Do you come back soon, honey???

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Commenti 3

  • MsrAnimals 04/10/2011 16:50

  • Rainer Pastari 11/09/2011 12:10

    Klasse Blickwinkel. Mal etwas anders!
    Gruß Rainer
  • s. sabine krause 11/09/2011 11:28

    : ))))))) did vlekje take this picture??? i remember you said your cat was a "birder", but i never knew she hunted them down with the camera first! ; ))) turn around little budgie, there's a predator sneaking up on you!! presently, she will set the camera aside – miaow! – and make a lunge at you! so TAKE A HIKE as long as you still can!!!! greetings, sabine.