Dongchuan Mountains - New Lease of Life
So people can continue to live in, and at the foot of the mountains, the river water is being channeled away from residential areas, and into a man-made gully. This is a simple perspective from the top of this vast mountain range. I was driven up there in a taxi on wet roads with no barriers. On the way up I couldn't do anything other than pray. On the way down, I thought there are worse things, held my camera out of the car window, and let the lens do the rest.
Lucia Minutillo Turtur 17/02/2011 3:02
Thank you for your very positive comments...Ines Dorgeloh 15/02/2011 19:59
A beautiful picture. LG InesWikont 15/02/2011 15:10
Wunderbar eingefangen.Gefällt mir.
herzliche Grüße