Dream A Little Dream .........
and it may just come true .... like sharing my passion for photography and making friends and learning from others ...
7 YEARS with Fotocommunity, 2560 pictures posted, 176 buddies, 1060 favourites, 84,934 comments written, 83,579 comments received - mind boggling where the time has gone - and it has been a great time, and I want to thank everybody for their loyalty and appreciation and inspiration !!!
my first aniversary image:
this image is now in the voting channel - thank you so much, Archie (archiek) !!!
s.scelza2 06/07/2015 13:30
ciao S.
GoPicturesBerlin 03/07/2015 23:42
This is a Dream..... wonderful light. I sing dreaming in the......Greetings from Berlin.Volkermirko meloni 21/06/2015 23:33
Wonderful!!!!Jürg Scherrer 21/06/2015 22:49
Liebe Adele -wiederum fantastisch schön! Grosse Klasse diese Maxi-Spiegelung.
Wünsch eine feine neue Woche - viele liebe Grüsse.
Niccolo Dossarca ( oder auch u.a. JürgenStrötgen oder js ode 20/06/2015 10:02
congratulation!ciao js-47 (vote 100)
siggi1 20/06/2015 9:59 Commento di voto
Pro++++++++++++++Chaoscats 20/06/2015 9:59 Commento di voto
ProWmr Wolfgang Müller 20/06/2015 9:59 Commento di voto
caline64 20/06/2015 9:59 Commento di voto
ProeInez Correia Marques 20/06/2015 9:59 Commento di voto
Promirko meloni 20/06/2015 9:59 Commento di voto
ProBernard.Backpacker 20/06/2015 9:59 Commento di voto
+Felipe Riquelme 20/06/2015 9:59 Commento di voto
PRO+++++JURAFR 20/06/2015 9:59 Commento di voto
proMonasophie13 20/06/2015 9:59 Commento di voto