Early morning glow !
Mesa Arch
The Navajo sandstone arch is relatively small and has formed right at the edge of the mesa with most of its span below the rim so that only the top part is visible through the opening- many square miles of red cliffs, branched canyon of the Colorado river, with the La Sal Mountains beyond, 35 miles distant.
Der relativ kleine Navajo Sandsteinbogen hat sich direkt am Rand gebildet. Da sich der Bogen quasi auf Augenhoehe befindet rahmt er bei geschickter Positionierung das White Rim County und die meist schneebedeckten La Sal Berge am Horizont ein.
yvonne kippenberg 06/03/2018 21:02
Vielen Dank Hans-Guenther !Hans-Günther Schöner 06/03/2018 11:25
Einfach grandios !!!yvonne kippenberg 26/10/2017 17:00
Thanks Mirjam and Andreas !Andreas Beier Fotografie 24/10/2017 19:53
top+++yvonne kippenberg 24/10/2017 18:29
Thanks Paul and MatthiasIt was challenging hard to find a spot soo many photographers !!
Paul Jankovic 24/10/2017 17:10
Stunning view. Love itP.J.
Matthias Moritz 24/10/2017 17:06
a well-known place, awesome light!