763 3

Norbert Lümmen

Premium (Pro), Bergen

Eingeschneit ...

... ist Schloss Marienburg.

Für Tatjana.

Januar 2010.

on the road
on the road
Norbert Lümmen

Commenti 3

  • Harold Thompson 08/01/2010 12:03

    Good view of the Catherdel through the trees in the winter landscape.

    Greetings Harold
  • Sue Thompson 07/01/2010 12:02

    An excellent snow scene Norbert. We have snow too.....more than we have had for thirty years *O*.....and oh boy, how they are hyping it up. You would think that we had never had snow before.....or temps so low as they have been. It is ridiculous :))))

  • Lucy Trachsel 07/01/2010 7:19

    Das sieht so aus, wie man sich ein verzaubertes Märchenschloss vorstellt.