Escape from the Heat
Vancouver's Kitsilano Swimming Pool or the Ocean ... in or on the water - on these hot days the only place to be :-)))
Escape from the Heat
Vancouver's Kitsilano Swimming Pool or the Ocean ... in or on the water - on these hot days the only place to be :-)))
Günter Nau 24/08/2014 7:28
Bildschnitt und –aufbau passen, ebenso Schärfe und all die Attribute, die ein tolles Foto ausmachen.LG Günter
Jenipher Baker 14/08/2014 12:59
A wonderful summer feeling to this one Adele and a good view across the pool to the mountains in the bg .....great colours-
lg Jenipher
Alexa frost 14/08/2014 11:05
Wonderful scenic view. Nice colors , I like to look at different persons and their instant actions.A Hug !
Markus Hirschi 14/08/2014 8:24
Sehr schöne Aufnahme.Ladet zum Baden ein.
Dieser Sommer war bei uns sehr regnerisch und kalt.
Gruss Markus
chantal Montmasson in Ghiroldi 13/08/2014 22:03
Un posto bellissimo con un bel sole. Nel nord Italia continua a piovere e fa quasi freddo ! Cari saluti !Dragomir Vukovic 13/08/2014 19:04
looking refreshing !!!YVES Lr 13/08/2014 16:33
Superbe vue, mais... very crowded!Je me souviens davoir longé un matin le Parc Stanley à l'heure où l'on voit surtout des joggers. Un souvenir inoubliable, tellement c'était beau.
J'essaie de situer ce parc sur ta photo, mais y arrive difficilement. Quoi qu'il en soit, Vancouver et ses environs sont d'une beauté saisissante.
AndersFotografie 13/08/2014 16:30
Then you could really envious of what will have a nice weather it and then the coast and the pool,Although I would be too crowded, but the view of the coast is beautiful.
I like Adele and you are to be envied.
Something only the north on the coast has to offer, in Germany.
a hug Rita
ewasta 13/08/2014 8:50
Schöne Aufnahme, gratuliere.LG ewasta
Bea Buchholz 13/08/2014 0:23
Da würde ich auch lieber das Meer vorziehen, das sieht schon klasse aus, sehr schön von dir gezeigt!!!LG Bea
Rainer Golembiewski 12/08/2014 23:12
das ist ja klasse.....kann man sich aussuchen...wo!Conny11 12/08/2014 22:29
Herrlich , da brodelt das Leben.LG Conny
phonya 12/08/2014 22:06
wonderful 'summertime'-scene: the air-conditioner-cooled highrises in the background may favor the title: 'escape for the heat'/'enjoy the heat' ... - real summer-life in modern urban life-world is presented in this pic at its best!!greetings phonya
Lawson McCulloch 12/08/2014 20:09
I am so jealos Adele, it is August in Edinburgh and I have just put the central heating wishes,
Vitória Castelo Santos 12/08/2014 19:57
Uauu......I like it :-)))))))))...wait for me please Adele