Eternal Ice
Hubbard Glacier is a glacier located in Wrangell–St. Elias National Park and Preserve in eastern Alaska and Kluane National Park and Reserve in Yukon, Canada. The longest source for Hubbard Glacier originates 122 kilometres from its snout and is located approximately 8 kilometres west of Mount Walsh . A shorter tributary glacier begins at the eastern ridge.
Before it reaches the sea, Hubbard is joined by the Valerie Glacier to the west, which, through forward surges of its own ice, has contributed to the advance of the ice flow.The Hubbard Glacier ice margin has continued to advance for about a century. While most glaciers have been receding over the years, this one is still growing :-)))
Akos Kozari 18/12/2022 15:36
A very nice composition and eye travel through the rocks - ice - sky with clouds.Stefan J.A.M. 07/12/2022 21:00
Und wieder ist es da....das Gefühl, da willst du hin!!**LG Stefan
Christian Villain 30/11/2022 18:08
De quoi lutter par tous es moyens contre le réchauffement si l'on pense à ce que serait la disparition de ces merveilles de notre planète ; !!!!alexander stefanatos 30/11/2022 8:44
Very impressive series of pictures,Adele! We hope that Nature will continue to keep a balance between uncontrollable increase and unevitable melting due to rising temperatures...Dragomir Vukovic 30/11/2022 8:01
* great one *Carmelo Badalati 29/11/2022 17:51
meraviglia!!dominati simone 29/11/2022 8:16
Souhaitons qu'il continue longtemps pour que les générations futures puissent encore découvrir un glacier :il y en a tellement qui disparaissent avec le réchauffement climatique !Belle vue d'ensemble .Amitiés.Simone
Matthias Getto 28/11/2022 21:58
A huge mass of ice. Very good info about the glacier. Surprising that there are still growing ice masses, where it is getting warmer everywhere.Best regards
mheyden 28/11/2022 20:44
Sehr gut dokumentiert!Monika Arnold 28/11/2022 17:35
Eine feine Naturaufnahme liebe Adele.Ganz liebe Grüße Monika
Angelika El. 28/11/2022 14:10
Diese Aufnahme gefällt mir persönlich noch besser!!! Gut gemacht und herrlich der Blick auf diesen Gletscher... VG!Carlo.Pollaci 28/11/2022 7:17
Great landscape. Everlasting beauty.Hugs
emen49 28/11/2022 0:22
Die Landschaft verzaubert mich... eine wunderbare Aufnahme!Viele Grüße
Dream30 27/11/2022 21:51
très beau paysage BisesConny11 27/11/2022 21:05
Was für ein faszinierender Anblick dieses zerklüftete Eis doch bietet..sehr gut fotografiert und präsentiert.
LG, habt einen guten Wochenstart, Conny