1.110 14

alexander stefanatos

Premium (Pro), thessaloniki

Etna 4

The volcano of Etna.( for more information please refer to the first photo of the series. Thank you very much),

Facing the interior of a crater. The mouth of God's wrath!...

Commenti 14

  • s. sabine krause 06/11/2015 9:46

    the people walking on its outside limits – wow! it makes one suddenly appreciate that figure of speech "living on the edge"… man is an ant after all compared to the boundless glory and gigantisms of nature! anyone suffering from hybris should come and visit mount etna. it will bring him to his senses by making him feel the possibility of a sudden catastrophic end… an impressive series, alexander! must have been a unique experience to visit this place and be confronted with its powerful aura! greetings, sabine.
  • Mauro Tomassetti 04/11/2015 12:29

    Excellent vision of the volcano and beautiful photo!
    Regards Mauro
  • Christos Banos 03/11/2015 18:10

    Very nice and spectacular image of a crater of this famous volcano Etna! The human presence in the crater caldera is catalytic and is a measure of comparison of the size of this crater! Good job!
    Xairetismata, Christos
  • adriana lissandrini 31/10/2015 21:11

    Alexander're always on the go, a little envy you ..
    a magnificent view of the great volcano, a giant dormant half that often offers great shows, a very interesting series, this is a very wonderful photo
    saluti Adriana
  • Carlo.Pollaci 31/10/2015 19:40

    Maestoso paesaggio, magistrale BW,
    Un caro saluto,
  • Jaap Koer 31/10/2015 16:26

    It looks great.
  • Giampiero Mazzoleni 31/10/2015 16:15

    L'Etna e le sue pericolose bocche di fuoco.
    Bella foto e bel BW, bravo !!!
    ciao, Giampi
  • sparkling light 31/10/2015 14:25

    A dangerous place at times. Again, drama! The highlighted sky contributes.
  • Dinu Filipescu 31/10/2015 13:17

    We seem indeed very tiny in front of the menace of the nature .
  • Harold Thompson 31/10/2015 9:38

    Seeing the figure on the rim shows the emenseness of the crater
    :-)) Harold
  • SINA 31/10/2015 9:12

    Faszinierend hast Du diese unwirtliche Vulkanlandschaft in Bilder gefasst Alexander
    hab ein schönes Wochenende und
    herzliche liebe Grüsse von mir Kristine
  • Sue Thompson 31/10/2015 8:44

    The crater that we walked round in Iceland had a 'lake; in the bottom. This is an excellent shot as it shows just how small and insignificant the human race is when set againts the wonders of our natural world.
    There are to sides to every story and here we see the harsh and terrible side of nature as oposed to the green and pleasant lands of many countries. Good and evil, love and hate, verdant and barren.......
    A superb series Alexander.

  • alexander stefanatos 31/10/2015 7:40

    Do you mean cropping the lower half, Rob? I'll try it. Thanks for attention.


Visto da 1.110


Fotocamera DSC-P200
Obiettivo ---
Diaframma 5.6
Tempo di esposizione 1/250
Distanza focale 7.9 mm
ISO 100

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