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alicefairy 31/08/2018 17:53
Super to look at it. This beautiful butterfly in the ligt shining throug itLg Alice
fred 1199 09/11/2011 7:54
sehr schön im gegenlichtund danke für
fred 1199lg gerd
Hanne L. 25/10/2011 21:48
Screening ...Enjoy the day, Hanne
LunA 15/10/2010 21:08
What a nice Pic !! very beautifulgreetings Luna
dorographie 30/08/2010 21:19
Beautiful macro with great colors. I like it.Greetings Dorothea
Agapy 29/08/2010 7:51
wunderschönes Licht und herrliche Farben kennzeichnen dieses hübsche Schmetterlingsbild.Beautiful macro of the brimstone butterfly.
LG Roswitha
Katharina Noord 28/08/2010 19:51
Sehr schön im Gegenlicht.lg, Katharina
Hanne L. 28/08/2010 18:43
Not very well focused, but the light is beautiful!Have a nice weekend, Hanne
Klephoto 28/08/2010 16:10
schön so im Sonnenlichtlg Stephan
gerla 27/08/2010 21:51
The different colours between the flour and the butterfly is very finelg gerla
JVision 27/08/2010 20:04
Very beautiful macro with great colors !!Greetings
Bärbel7 27/08/2010 18:24
Eine feine Aufnahme! Gruß BärbelEmilio Sirletti 27/08/2010 17:26
Very good transparency of the wings.Ciao, Emilio.
Evi - E. 27/08/2010 16:55
Ein sehr schöner Falter!LG
Micaela Abel 27/08/2010 16:48