Exotic Beauty (68) : Pink Velvet Banana
The past years I made several visits to the conservatories of the National Botanic Garden of Belgium where 10.000 (!) plant and tree species originating from the tropics and the subtropics are growing in the greenhouses over there.
Thanks to the warm and moist climate in the conservatories and the intensive maintenance, it’s really amazing what an immense great variety of exotic flowers from all over the world can be seen there, even in the cold winter season !
Flowers whose natural habitat is situated in the rainforest, the mountain forest, isolated islands, deserts, etc……. Places that most of us will never or seldom visit.
Some of the flowers are very rare, extremely colourful or specially shaped.
Others were introduced in Europe by men and became a cultivated species or an ornamental houseplant.
I selected the –to my personal taste- most beautiful flowers that I saw there and made a series of them.
Dutch name : Fluweelbananenplant (ook roze dwergbanaan genoemd)
German name : Rosa Zwergbanane
Latin name : Musa velutina
Country of origin : India
These pink bananas are only edible by animals because the fruit is full of hard seeds that are indigestible for humans.
Charly Charity 10/02/2016 16:34
GENIAL!*************liebe Grüße Dagmar :-)
Günter Nau 27/03/2013 11:26
Besonders im Hochformat ein ganz hervorragendes Foto. sehr schön.Grüße Günter
Bernhard Kuhlmann 24/03/2013 8:53
Eine perfekte Schärfe zeichnet dein Bild aus .Gruß Bernd
† Ushie Farkas 23/03/2013 2:08
Deine Bilder sind immer ein high light! GrüßeCarmenV 20/03/2013 21:12
Nice pic, banana, the other type too, has a beautiful flower !John Mc D 20/03/2013 17:05
Beautiful banana, very nice image, well capturedAngelika El. 20/03/2013 2:18
Wieder eine Aufnahme mit herrlichen Farben und einem Motiv, das man nciht sehr häufig zu Gesicht bekommt!
Vitória Castelo Santos 19/03/2013 22:35
WONDERFUL !!!!!!!!!Vera Shulga 19/03/2013 21:16
awesome pink banana :-)wonderful image!
Lawson McCulloch 19/03/2013 20:44
We cannot eat it, but we can certainly enjoy looking at it.best wishes,
Adele D. Oliver 19/03/2013 19:08
the banana plant - always so fascinating, but this one doubly so with its small pink fruit ..... beautiful your capture with the colours so vivid and the details so sharp !!!greetings, Adele
Lady Edel 19/03/2013 19:03
Das sieht ja toll aus.LG
A. Lötscher -Bergjäger- 19/03/2013 16:56
Habe nicht gewusst, dass es sowas gibt.Ein wunderschön gemachtes Bild!
LG Bergjäger
Heinz Janovsky 19/03/2013 16:09
In rosa habe ich die noch nie gesehen. Feines Foto.Gruß Heinz
Inge Stüwe 19/03/2013 14:47
Eine interessante Besonderheit, habe ich noch nie gesehen,hast Du großartig fotografiert!
Liebe Grüße