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Tatjana Puc Kous 04/03/2011 21:33
Sun or son?Jana!Majid mehraban 05/11/2009 21:41
nice idea,good shotmajid
DRAGA PUC 24/06/2009 7:42
je narascaj ze tu.Lepo!!Vse dobro tzelim novorojencku.
TOMO11 13/06/2009 11:32
Great idea and beautiful light.Greetings Thomas
Andrej Nagode 03/06/2009 19:55
Very nice image.Great idea.
Andrej Poljanec 03/06/2009 17:51
@hrishikesh thakur: In fact it is about SON!hrishikesh thakur 03/06/2009 3:47
Oops ! SUNhrishikesh thakur 03/06/2009 3:43
very talented photo ! she is expecting SON ! very good shot Andrej !Saska S. 02/06/2009 21:45
Beautiful contra light shot, great colours and mood.Congratulations to soon to be mommy :-)
Lp, Sasa