914 5

Fallen Grace

This is a Hawk, it flew into the windshield of a passing car. Its a bird of prey in America, thought it would make a interesting photo.

Commenti 5

  • Sarah Mizzelle 27/04/2006 1:33

    This is a very sad image, for me.
    But it's also very peaceful.. in a way.
  • Robert L. Roux 19/02/2006 8:09

    there is beauty in sadness
    and in death
    is the greatest sadness of all
    photos are captured memories
    nothing more
    to photograph something
    simply because it's interesting is most curious ...
  • Peta Lisle 31/12/2005 4:20

    Great photo Dean, a very moving image and appropriate title. P
  • Dennis Veldman 06/09/2005 16:37

    i like it the way it is.
  • Alexander Koning 21/07/2005 19:50

    Hy Dean, I agree with Judith that the theme is apealing for a good photo, but your choice of angle is a little weak. Closer, more to the ground, maybe with a car speedind by out of focusin the background could have made this picture more dramatic and strong.