601 4


Premium (Basic), Frankfurt am


I believe this isn't so uncommon but it felt quite special to see :-)

Commenti 4

  • blue79 13/01/2015 6:58

    @Thomas, they were not so relaxed. I guess they came our way because they were concerned about something to their right - where some are looking. There were about 20 in the group and one with white colouring,
    cheers, Andy
  • blue79 13/01/2015 6:45

    @Andreas, vielen Dank für die Information. Ich kann nur erinnern, grau bis schwarz Damwild - aber oft von weißen gehört. In dieser Gruppe waren sehr bunt, aber keine braunen, vielleicht Winterfarben?
    Gruß, Andy
  • Andreas E.S. 13/01/2015 0:05

    Ein schönes Foto von diesem Damwildrudel ist dir gelungen. Das Damwild neigt dazu, immer mal wieder Farbvarianten zu haben. Bei Rotwild und Rehwild gibt es das äußerst selten.
    VG Andreas
  • shake 12/01/2015 20:15

    A nice scene. Looks liken not all were interested in your presence. I guess you`re right with the colour variations. I know them in brown, white and black.
    Cheers, Thomas


Visto da 601


Fotocamera Canon EOS 7D
Obiettivo Canon EF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS
Diaframma 7.1
Tempo di esposizione 1/250
Distanza focale 400.0 mm
ISO 1600