Father and son
It 'hard to talk to a child,
say the right words
to bring with you '
in the backpack of his journey,
little use to the words of your memories
when you were child
and your father was like you now
each story is unique, unrepeatable.
Roberto Benigni is right when he sings
"Love words do not count, it counts the music"
E' difficile parlare ad un figlio,
dire le parole giuste
da portare con se'
nello zaino del suo viaggio,
a poco servono le parole dei tuoi ricordi
di quando tu eri figlio
e tuo padre era come te adesso
ogni storia è unica, irripetibile.
ha ragione Roberto Benigni quando canta
" nell'amore le parole non contano, conta la musica"
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Lucy Trachsel 26/03/2014 15:48
With your words it becomes a moving portrait of something every parent experiences.I like the contrasts and the cropping.
Tatiana Gutskova 26/03/2014 8:12
bravo!ciao Tatiana