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Father and son time

Father and son time

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Father and son time

this is my little brother and dad on a day out fishing. my older brother ran the pic through photoshop to make it black and white and says he hasn't got a clue how to make a nice black and white photo so any good comments or criticism welcome. how else do you learn what you're doing wrong...?

Commenti 4

  • Carl Mccall 13/02/2007 10:07

    Thankyou kindly for the comment Martin, I have taken a look at your tips on B/W conversion and I will certainly have to give it a try. I am afraid I will need to upgrade my photoshop 1st because I currently use the very basic elements 2 that came with my canon eos 300d and I have a budget so small that I currently have thousands of photos i can't even develop just yet.
  • Martin Unger 12/02/2007 22:23

    Nice capture, it seems that they both enjoy that moment, and you've got a very fine expression in both faces. Well done!
    As for the b/w, I must agree with Jaime. But there are several ways to convert a picture to b/w with PS, and often you'll just have to try which one is best. Personally I prefer either "channel mixer" or "gradient map".
    Some months ago I wrote a little "making off", explaining one technique: http://www.fotocommunity.com/info/Otr%F8y%2C_by_Martin_Unger
    Greetings from Norway, Martin
  • Cameron MH Mccall Mccall 12/02/2007 19:41

    thankyou for the comment Jaime, I have never taken a real black and white photograph so i'll bear that in mind before i get a copy developed, back to photoshop it goes.
    Carl :-P
  • Jaime Crystal Attenborough 12/02/2007 13:24

    beautiful moment to capture, love their smiling faces, boys fishing, a great thing to do !
    just a little to much contrast on their faces and shoes.
    welcome to FC :)
    Jaime :)