Finland - Frozen Lake I Foto % Immagini| landscape, seasons, winter Foto su fotocommunity
Finland - Frozen Lake I Foto & Immagine di Akos Kozari ᐅ Vedi e commenta gratuitamente la foto su fotocommunity. Scopri gratuitamente altre immagini.
Thank You a lot for Your comment, Michael. As i checked it was around end of February. The inhabitants of the city mentioned that the temperature was too warm compared to the previous years. As i remember it was between -10 and -15 Celsius. Cold for me, warm for them :-)
a wonderful winter landscape !!!
Wishing you and your loved one peace and happiness
this Christmas season and throughout the New Year !!
warm regards,
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MHC lamborn 26/12/2023 1:31
This is like midsummer in winter./Michael
Adele D. Oliver 23/12/2023 21:47
a wonderful winter landscape !!!Wishing you and your loved one peace and happiness
this Christmas season and throughout the New Year !!
warm regards,