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Stu Good 13/03/2006 13:07
Fantastic shots and nice presentation.Nick Falcone 12/03/2006 23:55
Well captured and presentedNick F
Massimo Carolla 11/03/2006 10:25
what a looks... excellent shot, regards massimoNyo Pu 11/03/2006 4:35
Wonderful motion images.Rgds, np
Pascal Lachenmeier 10/03/2006 21:23
Impressive looks! Very nice shots. Greetings PascalMartin Unger 10/03/2006 19:04
Ballett dancers... :))Very well done, Darinka!
Karl Makkina 10/03/2006 16:15
Excellent shotwell done
Jack Van Der Hooft 10/03/2006 15:09
Very moodfull, there's a lot to see, so many details. Just wonderful.regards Jack.