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Freedom-fighter and terrorist :-)

Freedom-fighter and terrorist :-)

4.651 13

Bin Im Laden


Freedom-fighter and terrorist :-)

During the years when the CIA was providing the mujaheddins in Afghanistan with everything from toilet paper to anti-aircraft missiles in their fight against those bloody godless communist invaders from Russia, people like fearless Akbar were called "freedom-fighters" and highly praised by oral office in Washington. Because he was the enemy of Uncle Sam's enemy and therefore his friend. Later on when Uncle Sam tried to get hold of the oil in Saudi Arabia and invaded Afghanistan and Irak, Akbar actually did the same as before, fighting invaders, but now became a "terrorist" and was supposed to be sent to Guantanamo Bay for special holidays.
After Osama found that Akbar had to do with the disappearance of his beloved Cheez-Its, Akbar was part of the patrol looking for disguised American soldiers trying to infiltrate Osamas ranks. Same as the cruise missiles he also survived this dangerous mission and nowadays spends his older days as an unknown bazaari in Peshawar, just across the boarder to Afghanistan. Very rarely he still joins "special missions" or repairs the video-recorder and other electronic equipment before Osama is trying to scare the most powerful country on earth in another video address.

Making of:
Copy from TRI-X cooked in Bromoil for 2 hours, washed with holy water from river Ganga while looking to Mecca, turning the prayerwheel given by Dalai Lama and praying to Saint George W. in Pentagon Heaven. Afterwards hanged, ironed and scanned.
Sorry for the poor scan-quality, unfortunately the scanner was hit by cruise missile in Tora-Bora and not yet recovered completely. Will ask Akbar to look for it later. Just now he busy with Osamas next video address.

Enschuldig mein schlecht deutsch, versuch mal verstehen:
In zeit CIA geben an Mujaheddin in Afghanistan alle from Klopapieren zu fliegenzeug- herunter-raketen for kaempfen gegen bloody gottohne communists Invasore von suffjet-union, leuten same same Akbar haissen "freiheit-kaempferen" und lob viel von oral office in Washington. Weil sein feind von feind von onkel Sam, also freund. Spaeter wenn uncle Sam schon will die oel von saudi-arabia und marschieren hinein in Afghanistan und Irak, Akbar machen so wie vorher kaempfen gegen Invasore, aber jetztet haissen "Terrorist" und will senden an Guantanamo Bay zu Spezial-Urlaub. Wenn Osama finden Akbar verkoppelet mit entschwinden von sein geliebt Cheez-Its, Akbar muss patrolie gehen, suchen dies amerikanerisch soldats, die wo wollen infiltrieren mannschaften von Osama. So wie cruise missiles Akbar auch noch leben wie schon ende von gefarvoll mission diesda und heute alt und leben wie unbekannten Bazaari in Peshawar bei krenze nah Afghanistan. Selten noch mitmacht "special missions" oder reparieret das video recorder und anderen aus rosteng elektronisch wann Osama versuchen zu befuerchten die meist vollkraft land von erden mit das nexte video adressen.

Wie machen:
Kopie von TRI-X kochen in Bromoel 2 stunde, waschen mit heilig wasser von Ganges, muss schauen richtung zu Mekka, drehen gebetmuhle das haben von Dalai Lama und beten an Heilig George W. in Pentagon Himmel. Danach gehangen, gebugelt und scandiert.
Enschuldig wegen schlecht das qualitaet von scandieren, unglueck das scanner trefft eine cruise missile in Tora-Bora und noch nicht gesund genug wieder. Werden fragen hilf bei Akbar spaeter. Jetztet Akbar arbeit viel bei next video adressen von Osama.

Commenti 13

  • redfox-dream-art-photography 04/02/2008 1:00

    Very impressive portrait!

    bw, redfox
  • Robyn Raggio 27/05/2007 19:26

    Putting all political commentary aside, I approach this image from a humanistic and photographic standpoint. The etched lines of living speak dramatically of his convictions and intentions of aiding the people he loves and whom love him. The contrast increases that drama and that contrast also speaks metaphorical volumes on the tragedies of our times. His intensity of gaze is brought forward by the intensity of the light. Composition is outstanding for increasing that intensity and bringing the viewer's focus into those eyes, which under this lighting situation look cold and hard, but in gazing into the heart I am certain there are moments of soft tenderness, as in every human being. The "making of" is what fascinates me, for it seemingly has been born in a ceremonious fashion. The rinsing in the sacred waters gives additional meaning and metaphorical spirituality which harbors an innate wish for goodwill and love amongst all humans.
  • Bin Im Laden 25/01/2007 23:46

    @Erik Feingold,
    thanks a lot for your friendly comment. Kein Wunder bei dein Name, really fein und gold :-)
    I will consider to ask the fc-admins whether your form of conduct applies to the rules of our community.
    Hope too that you accept that people who consider G.W.Bush the most dangerous terrorist to this world might have some other overall definition of terrorism as you.
    If you want help to stop the cowboy who started a desasterous war in order to take revenge at Saddam Hussein because "he wanted kill my daddy" kindly sign here:

    If you want know for what you are going to fight for in this already lost war, please have a look here:

    Maybe this man can help you in your decision whether you want follow George W. furthermore on his divine crusade............
    George W. really desperately needs supporters now ..........aber es werden täglich weniger !:-)

    Kind regards, Bin

    P.S.: You should take an example at this wonderful lady, Anne Marie Göldi. She even did paint already several pictures from photographs I took.

  • Erik Feingold 25/01/2007 1:58

    You're full of shit my friend. The moral equivalence you draw is pathetic, distorted and knowingly manipulative.

    Some facts:
    "Terrorist" = Someone who ON PURPOSE attacks civilians, with the INTENT of killing as many innocent people as possible. Thus, making sure they strike airplanes, buses, schools, office and residential areas. To make sure that their killing is maximized they like creating a 2 for 1 effect by flying an airplane into a building or exploding a full buss near another crowded b-stop. To maximize the effect even more, they add nails and bullets to their bombs - to criple those they cannot kill. To make sure that they do instil terror, they strike randomly, in stealth.

    "Freedom fighter" = Someone who fights an invading army. Focusing on the military installations and soldiers.

    Now, read it again. You may not be used to be dealing with actual facts.

    So, in your immence wisdom: Please list at least two terror attack that was carried out by your beloved, on Russia before, during or after the Afgahnistan war (i.e. as a "revenge" for the Afgahn war)

    Funny, huh? Just think how much killing, rape and torture the Russians brought on the Afgahns, and still, not even one sticking terror attack.

    Wanna take a wild guess why?

    What's up? no more funny words and wise comments?

    Look at how the Russians treat those who did try to use terror against them. See what they did to them and their families. See what they did to those who masterminded the attack on the school in Otchelan.

    Take some funny pokes at that maybe.

    Or is parody funny only when you get to trash the USA?
  • Andreas-Hoffmann 03/11/2006 19:27

    great picture and emotion
  • Siegfried Vogel 12/10/2006 12:28

    The look of love, verry well done, Bin!
    LG SV :-)-;
  • Piroska Baetz 22/06/2006 11:36

    a nice foto....I wisch you very good vacationens ..
    best regards, piri..ciao
  • Bin Im Laden 02/06/2006 1:25

    thank you very much.
    I will keep it up, your words give me courage.
    Although most can't write a comment.
    Why.........the answer is blowing in the wind :-).
    At least 154 usas have seen these eyes so far.
  • Ai °Kiyoko 25/05/2006 18:33

    The editing of your picture is great! Enjoy myself!
    I like it very much, Bin! Keep it up!

  • Helmut Schadt 23/05/2006 17:00

    Eine Bearbeitung, die der Ausdruckskraft dieses Portraits durchaus dienlich ist.
    Also I like the interesting making of this picture. On my next trip to India I will take some water from river Ganga back home and also ask the Dalai Lama in Dharamsala for a prayer wheel ;-).
    Regards to Akbar and Osama:-)
  • Bin Im Laden 22/05/2006 23:12

    in fc es nicht geben comment für terorrists...........hehe.
    machen foto sehr ernst sache, wenn schon ganz gut kann auch machen spass........das ist gute bild , ich weiss schon von höher seite als fc :-).
    schon 109 usas schauen, das auch erfolg. aber Bin nicht boese wenn schreiben kritik auch........nicht holen Osama und take revenge ;-)..

    Look here this song:
  • Bin Im Laden 21/05/2006 16:46

    Cindy, in voting mit welche foto deine?
    hast du osama nicht richtig getrofen und sowieso er sein kan nicht verletzen. er hat eben gerad mit mir zusamen saber machen wegen skorpionen in hoehler (cave) :-).
    gruss schoen nach in Meck Pomm, weis ich nur pommes.
  • Bin Im Laden 21/05/2006 14:02

    already 54 clicks but only one comment. Is this picture so bad or just neglected because most only like see mainstream and don't understand ?
    Or being afraid of CIA when writing name here ?
    No problem, in Guantanamo and Abu Ghreb nice now, amnesty international already watching.........hehe.

    schon hat 54 clicks aber nur eine comment. Ist bild soooo schlecht oder nur nicht akzeptieren weil sein kein mainstream :-)?