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Get off of my cloud

Get off of my cloud

4.657 4

Norbert Berndt

Premium (Pro), Tampa, FL

Get off of my cloud

Zwei Leoparden, und zwar Vater und Sohn, in einem Territorialkampf. Für die Geschichte siehe die anderen Fotos der Serie:

Two leopards, son and dad, in a fight over territory. For the story please consult the other pictures of this series:

Flipped over leopard
Flipped over leopard
Norbert Berndt
A drama unfolding
A drama unfolding
Norbert Berndt
The drama continues
The drama continues
Norbert Berndt
Play with fire
Play with fire
Norbert Berndt
Street fighting cats
Street fighting cats
Norbert Berndt

Kwando Concession, Botswana, May 18, 2024, 10:17 AM

Commenti 4

In questa foto, Norbert Berndt desidera ricevere feedbacks costruttivi. Siete invitati a contribuire con consigli sulla composizione della foto, tecnica, linguaggio metaforico, ecc (Si prega di rispettare la netiquette!)


Cartelle Botswana
Visto da 4.657


Fotocamera NIKON D850
Obiettivo 200.0-500.0 mm f/5.6
Diaframma 5.6
Tempo di esposizione 1/1500
Distanza focale 310.0 mm
ISO 180

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