1.908 6

Radomir-Masha Dikosavljevic

Free Account, Novi Sad, Serbia & Montenegro

Golden Bounty

A young woman collecting wheat. There is something in this composition that makes me really glad I took it. Most would have shot it with more space around the figure, which is probably compositionally more correct, but I find it to be more intimate this way. Anayway, this is one of the few which found its place in my living-room, for the strong calming effect it has on me.

Commenti 6

  • † wovo 06/08/2005 23:05

    yes, I'd liked a little more space here - but only such centimeters which had avoided that the womans boddy had been cuttet slightliy on the top.
    very good pic.
  • Radovan Grkovski 09/06/2005 7:29

    Svi tvoji foto zapisi i nisu za komentare. Steta je recima kvariti osecanja!
  • Kay Wölfle 27/04/2005 17:26

    This picture has a tranquil and nostalgic mood! I like it very much. The composition gives it an intimate atmosphere!
  • Snjezana Josipovic 25/04/2005 23:01

    tako malo komentara na ovako lijepu fotografiju?
    tonovi su prekrasni, izgleda prije kao slika nego kao fotografija..i kompozicija je jako dobra..i zbilja sve zajedno djeluje jako smirujuce...
  • Charles Fowler 25/04/2005 3:34

    Hi Radomir-Masha, I agree with Buck here. The compositioin is well done. The photo has a nice feel of movement as she harvest the wheat. I believe if you would have put more space between her, that feeling of motion could be lost or would not be as powerful. Beautiful picture.

  • Buck Wicker 24/04/2005 20:20

    I like it as is. You placed the person near the upper left hand corner of the "golden rectangle" which is good placement compositionally. It's a good image BRAVO!