happyness Foto % Immagini| emotions, youth Foto su fotocommunity
happyness Foto & Immagine di Stefanie Max ᐅ Vedi e commenta gratuitamente la foto su fotocommunity. Scopri gratuitamente altre immagini.
thanks a lot for your opinion, Jeff. With the white dots you are deffenitly right, I just haven't noticed them till now???!!!...I'll try to give her smile more present next time :)
I like this. Would like to have her mouth just a little more 'present' in the image. Also take out the stray white dots....you don't need them. The photo needs the pure black contrast without interruption. Jeff
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Stefanie Max 13/03/2006 18:39
thanks a lot for your opinion, Jeff. With the white dots you are deffenitly right, I just haven't noticed them till now???!!!...I'll try to give her smile more present next time :)Jeff Burgess 13/03/2006 1:49
I like this. Would like to have her mouth just a little more 'present' in the image. Also take out the stray white dots....you don't need them. The photo needs the pure black contrast without interruption. Jeff