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Commenti 3

  • Susanne Z. 22/05/2005 20:57

    Just to let you guys know where to go: the house stands in Chipping Camden, just behind the cemetary :-)

    @Paul - you are right, I shouldn't see it that strictly, but some photos shown here are just so artificial to me...and I find it slightly unfair that a normal photo as it comes has no chance in any competition, because they are dominated by digitally enhanced pics. Well, i am quite new to this business, maybe I'll feel better about it when I've done more of it myself. So keep the comments coming, they are very helpful!
  • Nicole Stephen 22/05/2005 0:52

    Good find ... the way that it is, is great and definitely a spooky feel, just like in the movies....
  • Susanne Z. 21/05/2005 22:51

    thanks for the advice, guys, but I prefer to not use too many "effects", as you say, since I think photography is more than simply using photoshop, anyone can get a great picture like that, I like to keep my pics the way they come out of the camera, which is not a digital one. Even though they might not be as stunning as others, I like them. @ Rob: I wish I could take more shots of this building, but it's unfortunately in the middle of the UK and I'm not :-) Too bad. I'll try some improvements with the pic, but the FC will only get almost "pure" ones.