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have you ever heard about *KURSI*???

have you ever heard about *KURSI*???

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Ingrid H

Free Account, Tabriz

have you ever heard about *KURSI*???

a kursi is from olden times in IR when there hadn't been heating at home not yet, only furnace fired by wood, it was common to use a KURSI! this means a table with a plate under it full of glowing wood, and over all they met a blanket, and people sitting around met their legs under the blanket and it was such a cozy place at winter eves!!!!! after daily work kursi was a kind of gathering the family together and all in one place to meet each other and have a very nice time. the sitting place of the family members belongs to their role in the family; the elder member of the family must sit on the side where is the most far place to the door, and the smallest member should be close to the door.

wikipedia: updated about kursi in farsi not yet!!! :-(((((
who is so courageous to do it????

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Cartelle my 2nd home town
Visto da 75


Fotocamera Canon PowerShot A720 IS
Obiettivo Unknown 5-34mm
Diaframma 4
Tempo di esposizione 1/1000
Distanza focale 5.8 mm
ISO 80