Head Over Heels Foto % Immagini| projects, american rodeo , cowboy Foto su fotocommunity
Head Over Heels Foto & Immagine di Ken Piros ᐅ Vedi e commenta gratuitamente la foto su fotocommunity. Scopri gratuitamente altre immagini.
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Silvana W. 02/08/2015 12:24
Compliments for this series in color***;Is very dynamic .Captures are very good a,nd colors of edition are a plus""for the work***BW
mike snead 01/07/2015 1:04
yep,real high kickers.Glenn Capers 29/06/2015 22:36
That looks like Number 10 from the other end.archiek 25/06/2015 3:31
Timing is everything and this guy had run out of time. Great action photo!Regards,
Harold Thompson 23/06/2015 8:55
Good action shot of the rider taking the emergency exit:-)) Harold
Sue Thompson 23/06/2015 8:34
Muck and dust and flying feet.... great action shot.:))