Hosta Takeover Foto % Immagini| animals, wildlife, amphibians & reptiles Foto su fotocommunity
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Heinz Koch (Heini) 12/10/2013 13:40
Nice picture / work. Congratulations!Bw, Heini
Katerina Zumrová 19/06/2007 15:20
ooh...this composition is really great :)nice colors :)
regards, Katerina
Ludvig S 19/06/2007 0:13
I love the details and the light here!Gerryj 18/06/2007 17:07
I think it's wonderful as is. Putting the frog in the middle shows how tiny he is in comparison with the plant. A cute little guy!Anja Hertweck 18/06/2007 9:14
I like it with the frog in the center of the picture. Great shot!Anja
Valerij 18/06/2007 7:24
!!!I'd make a tighter crop.