I am back ....
well - for a short while, anyway.
This is another piece from the Vancouver Biennale 2009/2011 by the Chinese artist Yue Minjun - representing himself in a circle of more than lifesize bronze sculptures with the title: "A - maze - ing - laughter".
Frederick Mann 22/08/2010 11:43
oh jo...
(I'm just back
FOTO-BERNY 19/08/2010 22:02
A great photo!With proper composition and image cleaner technology
Does consistent wonderful!
Gr. Bernd
corvosson 19/08/2010 10:24
Ja,das ist wirklich eine Freude die sich nicht besser ausdrücken lässt :+) lass dir Zeit mit der zeitraubenden Sichtung unserer foddos -"wir" bleiben dir treu :Dagmar Illing 19/08/2010 8:21
Welcome back, Adele!These chaps make me smile this morning! A very interesting and special work.
Regards, Dagmar
ZUiKO 19/08/2010 7:45
:-)))))))))))))))))))))))Schön, daß du wieder zurück bist.
Viele Grüße, Stefan
Meike T. 19/08/2010 2:25
Was für eine Skulptur... toll!Ein sehr schönes Foto.
LG Meike
Ilidio Fernandes 18/08/2010 23:36
Excellent happy shot.Ernst Heister 18/08/2010 19:49
Auch lachend kann man die Chinesen nur schwer voneinander unterscheiden, hoffentlich hattest Du in der zurückliegenden Zeit auch viel Spass!Liebe Grüße, Ernst
Waldi W. 18/08/2010 17:57
what a laughterwelcome back
hope you had a good time
lg waldi
Runzelkorn 18/08/2010 17:52
Du bist zurück, und das bringt Stimmung,wie man sieht!
Gruß, Christian
Ruth Hutsteiner 18/08/2010 16:08
Laughter makes an athletic body as one sees here.They make me smile.
Good work of you.
Nice to have you back.
Claire L. 18/08/2010 15:01
so good you're back! and with such an impressive shot...and, as Sabine pointed out,too, how small looks the bike in the distance...a fantastic art sculpture excellently presented.
kind regards, Claire
aline64 18/08/2010 14:56
oh oh!!!!!!!! un excellent cliché de ces belle sculptures très originales !!!!!amicalement
Michael Grotkamp 18/08/2010 14:01
Hallo Adele, nice to see you back with apretty nice funny shot. A stunning art sculpture
group in great dimensions indeed.
Gruß, Michael
Inez Correia Marques 18/08/2010 13:10
it is so nice to see yo my dear friend. i miss youwhat a nice photo, with these happy faces smiling
It made me smile too. thank you. hope you are well . Many hugs