I Gusti Agung Ayu Swasti praying in the home temple
The sister of my friend Agung Anom Fatih while praying in front of the shrine dedicated to the ancestors of the family. Gung Gek (her short calling name) takes her place neatly in front of the shrine, kneeling and sitting on her heels. After meditating, the next one takes her place and begins again with his praying.
The photo was taken in the presence of the villagers of Sembung and was posted directly from there.
Eva-Maria Nehring 17/04/2018 23:26
Kopfkino spult ab....Erinnerungen werden geweckt.....danke!VG Eva
Werner Sperl 14/04/2018 8:45
Träumerei setzt ein....!Benita Sittner 13/04/2018 16:25
...sie haben einen prächtigen Tempel für ihre Vorfahren....ein Ritual was man auf Bali oft findet....sehr schön ist die Szene ....VLG Benita