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ICE Foto & Immagine di Darinka Mladenovic ᐅ Vedi e commenta gratuitamente la foto su fotocommunity. Scopri gratuitamente altre immagini.
You captured this little scene very good, a lovely light breaking in the ice.
It depends on our fantasy what we really see in this, to the right I could imagine a lonely wanderer resting while leaning on a treestump, scratching his head with his right hand and enjoying the sunset.
What do you see in it?
Very well done!
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sebastian romero 29/08/2007 20:25
Like a dance, water gives us a lesson: "learn to see small things I do as much as the big things you usually see I do".Jasmina Asic 02/03/2005 23:35
mmmmmmmmm......... cudovito :)Anastasya I. 20/02/2005 13:24
ICE ICE..everywhere!Nicolà
Martin Unger 20/02/2005 12:22
You captured this little scene very good, a lovely light breaking in the ice.It depends on our fantasy what we really see in this, to the right I could imagine a lonely wanderer resting while leaning on a treestump, scratching his head with his right hand and enjoying the sunset.
What do you see in it?
Very well done!
JVision 20/02/2005 10:40
Wow, this is fantastic !!! Great how you did it.Greetings