Il mestiere
Faccio sto mestiere
da cinquant'anni.
Sempre in quest'angolo di Roma,
e quanti n'ho visti...
per scaldarsi ci vuol poco: una castagna.
La foto non si trova in discussione. Per questo in questo momento non può essere commentata.
arek_wojciechowski 21/12/2012 15:25
well dones. sabine krause 05/12/2012 16:29
…and it's no easy job either! chestnuts expertly roasted are a culinary delight. inexpertly roasted they are an expensive pain in the neck ; ). but this man here seems to do his job well – almost tenderly he fills the bag –, so his chestnuts, i'm sure, are a traditional xmas delicatessen lover's dream! greetings, sabine.Ken Piros 03/12/2012 12:15
Excellent street scene !Alexandra Baltog 27/11/2012 17:42
+++dgraham 27/11/2012 9:32
Very nicely captured street scene, Enzo.