2.458 3

I'm all ears

An old man of the Nandi tribe in western Kenya. I interviewed him for my research into forest disturbance. A real character, he climbed into my jeep and then shouted to all his friends to help as he had been taken hostage by the white man.
Nikon D70, 28-70 zoom lens

Commenti 3

  • Seagaul 05/09/2005 23:12

    this is good !
  • Karl Makkina 26/08/2005 22:34

    Yes interesting shot and relationship...
    i agree with Jeremy, the light is too tough , that's why the top of his head is "burned". congratulation for your interview and picture
    Welcome to the FC Will !!!
  • Jeremy B 26/08/2005 19:03

    Very interesting photograph, and equally interesting story. (the only critique would be that it is washed out on the top of his head) However, the ears are exposed well, and they are aparently the focus, so well done.


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