In a haste...
In a haste...
Eating is one among the many things we,ve learned to perform in the rush in our life...
In a haste...
In a haste...
Eating is one among the many things we,ve learned to perform in the rush in our life...
Tania Skaradek 12/06/2017 22:35
Great series of our street life, Alexander! The temp of life gave us the fast food and the same fast and short meetings with our friends.Big thanks for all your comments!
Sue Thompson 29/05/2017 10:48
Eating in a hurry.........not so good.Meals should be savoured and enjoye :)))
SINA 28/05/2017 20:08
Schön sehr stimmungsvoll und ausdrucksstarkJ Oscar Sierra Echo 28/05/2017 11:57
Very much true observation, enjoy lunch time.Greetings.