In fall...
The forest is all quiet ..
And the trees ready for winter sleep..
Have a good sleep, nature!
I will waiting for you!
In fall...
The forest is all quiet ..
And the trees ready for winter sleep..
Have a good sleep, nature!
I will waiting for you!
Vera Shulga 27/12/2010 7:21
Splendid!H.CH.Yaseri 01/01/2010 12:38
Look at the shadows on the leafground...A really Gr8 job! Welldone !H.CH.Yaseri 01/01/2010 12:37
This one is so amazing!redfox-dream-art-photography 14/12/2009 6:59
Very beautiful!bw, redfox
Nancy Blach 11/12/2009 22:47
Great idea. It does look so peaceful and relaxing, colourful carpet of leaves and statue like trees standing on it. Nice shot.Nancy