Into The Cold Foto % Immagini| europe, baltic states, estonia Foto su fotocommunity
Into The Cold Foto & Immagine di Küllike P ᐅ Vedi e commenta gratuitamente la foto su fotocommunity. Scopri gratuitamente altre immagini.
You managed it to capture the typical nordic light in a very beautiful fashion. I can really imagine from your picture how the atmosphere was at that evening and it makes me start freezing immediately ;-) Nice colors!
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Hanspeter Egger 08/01/2011 12:56
wowStefan S. Mosley 20/12/2010 12:25
Your photos are always among the most beautiful on FC, and this one is just marvelous. Happy Holidays.Stefan
Micha. G. 14/03/2010 12:42
Sehr schön zarte aber auch sehr klate winterliche Stimmung.Gruß Micha
Christian Bertero 23/02/2010 21:48
Mark Hantelmann 04/02/2010 20:12
excellentKarl H 01/02/2010 1:08
Was für eine schöne Lichtstimmung!lg Karl
Rotmilan 31/01/2010 21:12
ganz feines bild...klaus
J. Und J. Mehwald 31/01/2010 20:33
Das Bild ist mit seiner Lichtstimmung so schön zart, da stört der kräftige Rahmen etwas.HG von Jutta und Jürgen.
marcus rüter 31/01/2010 18:56
You managed it to capture the typical nordic light in a very beautiful fashion. I can really imagine from your picture how the atmosphere was at that evening and it makes me start freezing immediately ;-) Nice colors!Best wishes,
Marion Stevens 31/01/2010 16:08
Oh, here you are again! :-)A beautiful photograph with its nice colours!