Is it really a kid, or not?
Something for y'all to puzzle over. Because of the title, you assume that it really is a kid. But because that's too easy and obvious, you assume it's not. But since I just said that, you assume it is. And so goes. So there's really no telling. And then we get into the argument that it is a kid, because you're not technically an adult until you're 18 (in the US at least). But is this person really under 18? And do I myself consider under 18 to be a child? I'm the one titling this picture after all.
I've had waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much sugar today.
Wayne Tsipouras 09/06/2007 10:18
As always a child at heart.Thats all that matters. :-)
More caffine perhaps??