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Is this a real bill?

Is this a real bill?

2.564 1


Premium (World), Bangkok

Is this a real bill?

Yes it is! The traveller at a reststation on the Autopista Havana - Santa Clara is paying his Piña Colada with a CUC-bill.
Cuba has two currencies, the CUP, the Cuban Peso and the CUC, the Cuban Peso convertible, which is the money for the foreigners and tourists.
In 1993, during the period of economic austerity known as the Special Period, the US dollar was made legal tender to encourage hard currency to enter the economy. The Dollar became the currency used to purchase some non-essential goods and services, such as cosmetics, and even non-staple kinds of food and drink.
In 1994, the convertible peso was introduced at a par with the dollar.

Commenti 1

  • richardelmas 20/01/2015 13:00

    Parece que es dificil el tema económico, pero la fuerza del pueblo cubano siempre tira hacia adelante.
    Buen momento capturado.


Cartelle En route on Cuba
Visto da 2.564


Fotocamera NIKON D300
Obiettivo ---
Diaframma 5
Tempo di esposizione 1/80
Distanza focale 34.0 mm
ISO 200