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Jackson Square, New Orleans

Jackson Square, New Orleans

4.205 13

Dana Jeandron

Free Account, New Orleans

Commenti 13

  • kodomo 25/03/2009 14:34

    nice photo, geometrically perfect.
  • Nizar Salhieh 11/09/2007 16:05

    I like this picture
  • Pawel Majewski 25/12/2006 11:01

    Very interestin place
  • Henk Auwema 18/10/2006 12:00

    I agree with John, but other then that: good.

  • Michael Zelbel 13/10/2005 18:42

    How scenic! I feel this is a place in a fairy tale. It's soooo lovely. The colors are really great.
    Cheers, Michael
  • SCOTTY 11/09/2005 19:43

    Hi Dana,
    did you change the ratio?
    It looks too wide for me (unnatural somehow).
  • Dana Jeandron 27/08/2005 23:58

    sorry Kenny, I don't understand what you are trying to say. I put this photo in symmetry on purpose. I usually do not like symmetry, but I feel this photo called for it. I have other perspectives of this building on my fc folder.
  • Kenny Jazz 27/08/2005 22:34

    Without your pics we never know about interesting places in US. But only central compozition i would like to change. Skulpture a liitle bit disturbing to see whole building.
  • Alex Padre 16/08/2005 6:44

    Such wonderful perspective and colors you captured in this photo. I like the composition and subject. The symmetry is almost perfect.
  • Robert L. Roux 16/08/2005 5:28

    A great picture ...
  • Dana Jeandron 15/08/2005 22:48

    Yes, that is General Jackson.
    I did stand on one side for the a-symmetrical photo...but for me, this way worked the best. Just a personal preference. Thanks for your comments, I respect your work and always respect what you have to say!
  • John Bennett 15/08/2005 21:36

    Hi Dana! Is that General Jackson of the american civil war. Good picture Dana Mabe I would have stood on one side of the path it's a bit symetrical at the moment.
  • Karin D. Ludwig 15/08/2005 11:45

    oh how I wish I were there... :-)
    Wonderful sight and brilliant colors Dana!