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Just another Flower

Just another Flower

930 3

Mark V. Dürr

Free Account, Stuttgart

Commenti 3

  • Engelbert Mecke 23/06/2007 12:17

    Immer wieder faszinierend, wie weit man das Motiv vor den Bildschirm holen kann. Leider eben nicht ganz ohne Schatten. Gelungene Anaglyphe.......Mark.

    Grüsse von Engelbert
  • Mark V. Dürr 23/06/2007 4:10

    Hallo Serge,
    you are right, it is easier to look at, like you remounted it. The leaves in the background are violating the frame. But since the flower is not cut and the background is very dark, I wanted the flower to be seen in the room away from the projection wall. Probablly I shall try it making the background totally black.
    Thanks a lot for your opinion and your suggestion. I printed both, an on the print you are totally right.

    Greetings from Germany,
  • Serge Côté 23/06/2007 3:29

    I like the flower and the stereo seem to be well done but I dont like the way the flower go out of the "false stereo window". This create a lot of undesirable ghosts.

    Read this: http://www.stereoskopie.org/Theorie/Rule3.htm

    I think that without having to necessarily put all the flower inside of the "false stereo window", only a part of the flower petals could be saw outside of the window without properly breaking the composition of the stereo.

    Look at what I mean by yourself:

