~ Kasteel III ~ Foto % Immagini| marodes, specials, decay Foto su fotocommunity
~ Kasteel III ~ Foto & Immagine di Lyra Belacqua ᐅ Vedi e commenta gratuitamente la foto su fotocommunity. Scopri gratuitamente altre immagini.
I love this image lyra.Again you have captured the atmosphere of the building with the beautifully carved ceiling probably done by hand a very long time ago and in a lovely shade of blue.And with all the coveing on the walls and the carved big wooden doors,this must have been a very elegant room and enjoyed by who knows how many people over the years.The detail you have captured is excellet with all the peeling paint leaving the bare plaster and wood to the elements,it must be a very beautiful and elegant building that in it's own way still holds it's beauty for the people like youself that can enjoy it.It's a beautiful composition in wonderful mood and very well presented.
Best wishes and hugs.
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anthony ryan 29/07/2009 13:49
I love this image lyra.Again you have captured the atmosphere of the building with the beautifully carved ceiling probably done by hand a very long time ago and in a lovely shade of blue.And with all the coveing on the walls and the carved big wooden doors,this must have been a very elegant room and enjoyed by who knows how many people over the years.The detail you have captured is excellet with all the peeling paint leaving the bare plaster and wood to the elements,it must be a very beautiful and elegant building that in it's own way still holds it's beauty for the people like youself that can enjoy it.It's a beautiful composition in wonderful mood and very well presented.Best wishes and hugs.
Der Renner 25/07/2009 11:11
beeindruckende serie, eine lokation vom feinsten und leider werden es immer weniger :-(bin begeistert
lg renner
Daniel TH. 26/06/2009 0:15
was für eine Hammer-Location!!!Udo Ludo 19/06/2009 21:15
Sehr dynamischer Ausschnitt! Die abblätternden Farben und schönen Risse überhöhen die alte Pracht.galadriel09 17/06/2009 23:43
Wunderschön, genau mein Geschmack!Vergänglichkeit 4
galadriel09LG galadriel
mahks 15/06/2009 15:33
Da hast du Recht. Wirkt sehr gut!LG Max