Landscape at the Kherlen Gol
Gol the word for "river".
Just 180 km outside Ulaan Baatar an amazing natural park on the riverside of Kherlen.
The river originates in the south slopes of the Khentii mountains, near the Burkhan Khaldun mountain in the Khan Khentii strictly protected Area.
This area constitutes the divide between the Arctic (Tuul River) and Pacific (Kherlen, Onon) basins and is consequently named “Three River Basins".
The system Kherlen-Ergune-Amur has a total length of 5,052 km.
fino tereno 019 02/03/2022 11:26
Schöne Farben, gut gezeigt auch mit der "Konkurrenz" im Bild. Leider auch eine lebensfeindliche Landschaft oder? VG,FinoHerbert Rulf 24/01/2022 0:52
Was für eine grandiose Landschaft, mit Fotograf*in noch besser !LG, Herbert
Ralf Melchert 23/01/2022 20:29