Last home
In 1876 St. Archangel Michail church became the last home of dozens of barricaded Bulgarian rebels, who choosed to suicide themselves, kill their kids and wives instead of surrender to the Turkish invaders!
Last home
In 1876 St. Archangel Michail church became the last home of dozens of barricaded Bulgarian rebels, who choosed to suicide themselves, kill their kids and wives instead of surrender to the Turkish invaders!
Jacqueline Chay 28/09/2008 13:24
First class light captureJackie
PixelBloke 24/09/2008 7:32
This one does it for me. Superb!!Agelos Kardamilas 28/08/2008 17:55
Very good photo made by an eloquent light!!!Robert Chapman-Firth 25/08/2008 18:04
What great light, and well composed, very good.Rob
Alexey Bowcock 25/08/2008 12:40
Great work! Fantastic game of light, beautiful contrasts and sharpeness, very clear picture! Very good! +++++++Gabi Busch 24/08/2008 23:01
Wow, that´s great! I like those photos very much. Beautyful exposure to light.Greetz, Gabi
Michael Teichmüller 24/08/2008 19:01
Excellent, beautiful photo.Greetings Michael.