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Leir10B  ___TRICOLOUR___

Leir10B ___TRICOLOUR___

13.631 7

Leir10B ___TRICOLOUR___

Cranbourn Street - Leicester

Commenti 7

  • visionarthinker - Massimo Zampetti 30/05/2024 17:29

    Sempre affascinanti queste... "variazioni"!!!
  • Robert L. Roux 26/05/2024 4:49

    a beautiful day - 
    with a little bit of italy ... 
  • Mauro Stradotto 23/05/2024 9:58

    Siamo ovunque, Bell'Italia ovunque...pensa ho trovato quel cartello in una malga sperduta fra i monti della Valle di Riobianco laterale della Valle Aurina, il cartello indicava la discesa a valle quindi l'Italia. Amo questo tuo genere fotografico.
    Un abbraccio,
    • ann mari cris aschieri 24/05/2024 19:40

      Davvero il nostro è un paese che tutti ci invidiano e che tutti adorano (un po' meno noi Italiani spesso maltrattati dalle istituzioni).
      Un abbraccio anche a te e... grazie!
    • Robert L. Roux 26/05/2024 4:52

      everyone loves italy 
      and no one more than italians - 
      ( which is how it should be ... ;-))
  • Ansgar Leuthner 22/05/2024 12:54

    ...rain again! I feel at home! Normal life - I was suffering from the heat! A little bit of Italy in England! Nice, so you can eat and enjoy it. Not those English food, which is an assault on your taste. Ciao, mia sorella! Buona giornata! Love and Peace, Ansgar
    • ann mari cris aschieri 22/05/2024 18:09

      This cooking brand was opened in Italy during the 1980s. 
      There was a restaurant also near my workplace and I often went there for lunch with colleagues. It is very good value for money and has spread throughout Europe, especially in London, where it has several locations. 
      Dear Ansgar, right now in Milan there is a storm, the sky is black and the water is coming down in buckets.
      The good fact is that the rain  washes the streets, a thing that the municipality very often neglects to do...
      CIAo my friend, have a good evening!