Lighthouse Punta de Maisi
The tower at the fares east of the island Cuba.
The place is characterized by this lighthouse, known as La Concha, which dates from 1861 and from where, going up to its 144 steps, we could admire some impressive views. On cloudless days can have the chance of sighting Haiti, located just 65 kilometer far from Punta de Maisí top.
Matthias Krug-Bamberg 20/08/2020 10:57
Ein Kubaner steigt allerdings nie 144 anstrengende Stufen auf einen Turm, um einen Ausblick zu erleben. Das ist den sightseeing-freudigen Touristen vorbehalten. Hasta luego, Wolfgang!HG Matthias
Ralf Melchert 20/08/2020 9:38
Fantastisch festgehalten