Little Nothing Foto % Immagini| plants, fungi & lichens, grass, nature in all shapes Foto su fotocommunity
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Lauro Benvinda 11/08/2014 19:09
... performing the most important task of it's species, that is it's life journey.I love the layered composition, great point of view.
Tatiana Gutskova 10/08/2014 10:09
+++++bw Tatiana
Lawson McCulloch 09/08/2014 15:32
I love the low PoV and the focusing in this wishes,
Jenipher Baker 09/08/2014 14:39
A fine use of the dof and lightlg Jenipher
Agelos Kardamilas 09/08/2014 0:48
SparklingGeoff Ashton 08/08/2014 23:57
really like the midle 2/3bw geoff
Adele D. Oliver 08/08/2014 23:26
a shining star in its own right ... beautifully done with this dof and toning !!!greetings, Adele
alexander stefanatos 08/08/2014 21:38
....and.very often,the most important!nice week end,Urszula