London Foto % Immagini| architecture, cityscape, subjects Foto su fotocommunity
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Saß S 14/04/2010 7:29
this is for me LONDON - wowYves Kraus 20/07/2009 21:29
Wow what a picture.Jesper Bo Jensen 31/03/2008 21:39
Thank you!i.l.o. 30/03/2008 13:24
when a man is tired of london, he is tired of mysterious, lovely
bratkovski 09/03/2008 20:41
Looks as if it was shoot by an old master with a monster camera mounted on a giant tripod. Great shot.Jesper Bo Jensen 28/02/2008 23:22
Thanks!Sarah D. Kiefer 28/02/2008 15:55
wowwwowwow!! beautifully muddy and dim... the two figures in the bg make this something really special... i love it!!!cheers,
sarah k
Christian Hiebl 28/02/2008 11:51
cool location - cool stylegreetz