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Look here Foto & Immagine di Moricka Hakapeszik ᐅ Vedi e commenta gratuitamente la foto su fotocommunity. Scopri gratuitamente altre immagini.
Precious beyond words. Tells a complete story with a look and a simple environment. Yet that simple environment is rich with geometry, flow, dimension, and great tonal ranges sufficient enough to hold it's own, but subtle enough to let the little explainer tell his tale. Fabulous, deep blacks that are still holding details, the shoes--but oh that face. You nailed that moment beautifully!!
Best wishes,
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CsomorLászló 16/05/2007 11:18
*****Konstantinos Papazoglou 16/05/2007 10:13
Lovely.PINDORIUS 15/05/2007 18:43
I think it's a good capture with a very interesting expressionRobyn Raggio 15/05/2007 16:44
Precious beyond words. Tells a complete story with a look and a simple environment. Yet that simple environment is rich with geometry, flow, dimension, and great tonal ranges sufficient enough to hold it's own, but subtle enough to let the little explainer tell his tale. Fabulous, deep blacks that are still holding details, the shoes--but oh that face. You nailed that moment beautifully!!Best wishes,