Lost bird Foto % Immagini| animals, pets & farm animals, birds Foto su fotocommunity
Lost bird Foto & Immagine di Ros Dagos ᐅ Vedi e commenta gratuitamente la foto su fotocommunity. Scopri gratuitamente altre immagini.
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Mattia Sacco 16/07/2009 18:28
...here in Barcelona a similar kind of perroquets are free and live in the city sharing the spaces with the pigeons!! Have a look :-)Zahangir Kabir 10/04/2007 11:25
nice shotfriends
Zahangir KabirDominique Duriot 18/12/2006 11:14
So nice !!beautiful colors!
Ros Dagos 13/08/2006 0:38
Thanks to all for your comments, they are appreciated for future improvements.Jacqueline Chay 09/08/2006 11:04
Beautiful Peach Face. Lovely colour renditionJackie
Der Zacki 09/08/2006 6:19
very nice bird portrait :-))cp