Lost in Alps Foto % Immagini| landscape, mountains, glaciers Foto su fotocommunity
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Athesdan 17/12/2008 20:25
beautiful place !Binder Bennjamin 23/06/2008 10:46
wow! I want 2 be thereYasser Metwally 23/10/2006 8:50
Great colores ,,very nice scene , foreground would be better with more space i think , but i still like it alot .best whishes
Radim Spitzer 23/10/2006 3:14
great autumn colours, compostion needs a bit of improvement in my opinion. I would like to see more of the reflection!. :)R.
Jaime Crystal Attenborough 23/10/2006 2:57
beautiful colours, wuld of loved to see more water and reflections.well done