Love-potion Foto % Immagini| still life, subjects Foto su fotocommunity
Love-potion Foto & Immagine di Victoria Ivanova ᐅ Vedi e commenta gratuitamente la foto su fotocommunity. Scopri gratuitamente altre immagini.
Wow, great concept and execution with a great deal of impact, conveyance of concept and striking lighting. Love the comp, the drama...I admire everything about this image.
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Saska S. 30/08/2008 13:46
Superb!Christiane Wüllner 15/05/2008 16:27
Very clever done! I like this!:-)) Christiane
Enzo Leprai 22/04/2008 8:04
great light. very well doneRobyn Raggio 17/04/2008 1:49
Wow, great concept and execution with a great deal of impact, conveyance of concept and striking lighting. Love the comp, the drama...I admire everything about this image.Best regards,
Ismaele Sposito 15/04/2008 23:13
Interesting photo.Congratulations!
Geoff Ashton 15/04/2008 19:38
got wondering about the sahdows toobut it looks really nice what eaver you did
like the colorkey effect
bw geoff
Mucki3775 14/04/2008 22:18
sehr schön..lg sonja